Author Archives: Rob

Government IT process review update

The election may have put the breaks on the petition, but significant progress has been made on other fronts. In parallel to the petition I set up to demand the government review it’s outdated IT practices, Robert Chatley (with the help of a few others) wrote a letter* to the National Audit Office asking them to update their guidance and recommendations for systems development. After a couple of prods they agreed to a meeting and last week Robert Chatley and I went to see them.

To cut a long story short (I’m supposed to be packing for my hols so have to be brief) it was a very positive meeting. We met with their Director of IT and Systems Analysis, Sally Howes and her colleague Leena Mathews. Both, but especially Sally were very receptive to what we had to say. Fortuitously they are in the embryonic stages of a wide reaching review of government IT practices so this looks like a fantastic opportunity to make a real difference.

One thing they’re particularly keen on hearing about is large organisations who are using and succeeding with agile practices and specifically senior people within those organisations who they could talk to. If you know of or are working for such an organisation please email me at email with the details of people who may be appropriate for them to talk to.

*You can read a draft of the original letter to the NAO here

A response from Stephen O’Brien, Shadow Health Minister

Dear Mr Bowley,

Thank you for your email regarding the NPfIT. I certainly agree with your point that drawing up contracts for IT systems that have yet to be developed has proved costly for the taxpayer and for Government. Nowhere is this more true than the National Programme for IT where only one hospital has received a full implementation of Lorenzo due to the fact that it had not yet been designed when the Department of Health let the contract with CSC, and only 12 hospitals have received Cerner Millennium – a U.S. system that has had to be adapted extensively for application in NHS Trusts by BT.

Whilst I have not come across the Agile approach before, I will certainly bear it in mind as we seek to develop our policy of giving local NHS Trusts a choice of IT system through a central catalogue of open standards/accredited systems. I will keep on record any further information you are able to provide in writing about the Agile methodology and would welcome any such information in response to this email. Once again, thank you for getting in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen O’Brien

Shadow Health Minister

Government IT process review petition update

The Number 10 petitions website says they’ll usually forward on a petition to the relevant department once it has 500 signatories. We’re currently 176 signatures short of that total so if you haven’t already bothered everyone you know to sign it please do.

If you need some encouragement I read on only Monday that the government is yet still trying to commit to another load of juicy big fat contracts for the NHS IT scheme (NPfIT). It was reported on BBC News here. This revelation came from an excellent Radio 4 documentary the previous night about the government’s IT failures which you can still listen to on the BBC iPlayer. Here are some soundbites:

  • £622 million pounds was wasted on the Rural Payments Scheme project according to Edward Leigh, head of the Commons Public Accounts committee. Some farmers actually committed suicide because they didn’t get the money they needed and Mr Leigh calculated it would have been more effective to have written a cheque for £20-30,000 to each and every farmer in the country rather than have built the IT system in the first place.
  • 100 Accenture “experts” were employed on the Rural Payments Scheme at an average salary of £200,000 (! – at that kind of money I think I’m about ready to sell my soul and go work with Tiger).
  • 9 fire brigade control centres costing £1 million a month are lying empty due to the late delivery (3.5 years and counting) of their new IT system. At current (vague) estimates it won’t be ready until at least 2011 and is running £300 million over budget.

What strikes me here is that it’s not just all the money that’s being wasted, but the human effect these huge failures are having. Organisations are told to prepare themselves for new IT systems which don’t arrive or work as they need to, leaving them unable to do their jobs at all. It is tragic that in some cases this has led to real misery and even worse.

In other news we got a bit of press coverage in

What else can I do?

Contact Edward Leigh, head of the Commons Public Accounts committee who has reviewed many of the disastrous IT project and would no doubt be interested in your views.

Contact your MP and let them know how you feel about all your money being wasted.

If anyone has any good ideas on how we can either get more publicity for the petition or the cause itself, please get in touch.

That is all for now.

A call to action to UK software developers to stop your money being wasted

As I write, the petition to demand the UK government reviews it’s outdated I.T. project processes has been going for a week and has 193 signatures.

Am I disappointed? Far from it. The signatories list reads like a who’s who of people in the UK who care about software. Among the countless thought leaders, authors, conference speakers and influential bloggers, signatories includes:

  • Steve Freeman, winner of the Gordon Pask award and author
  • Rachel Davies, director of the Agile Alliance and author
  • Karl Scotland, founder member of the Lean Software and Systems Consortium.
  • Mike Hill, conference chair for SPA
  • Giovanni Asproni, conference chair for ACCU
  • Keith Braithwaite, conference chair for XPDay

Lets face it, this is never going to be a populist campaign. The simple matter is no one else is going to tell our government that there’s a more effective way to manage software*. It’s certainly not in the interests of people like BT and Siemens to stop signing multi-million pound contracts and I’ve no doubt there are very few people working in an advisory manner to the government on I.T. strategies who are particularly aware or interested in the now well-established and highly successful Agile umbrella of ways to build effective software, both on time and on budget.

So it’s up to us to highlight this situation. No one else is going to do it for us. As member of the software development community in the UK, your money is not going towards hospitals or schools, your money is being wasted on failed I.T. projects and will continue to be wasted** until our government stops naively signing off massive contracts for hugely optimistic and unrealistic projects.

I’m calling on everyone involved in software development in this country to do more to try and raise the issue to the level of visibility it deserves:

  1. Sign the petition if you haven’t done so already
  2. Write to your MP informing them about the petition and personally demanding a review. I’ve written a sample letter here which you can use as a template, but you should try to use your own words as much as possible otherwise it’s likely they will ignore it. Some more tips are available here.
  3. Blog about the petition. Tell people to sign it and email their MP and blog about it too. Twitter is great but blogging is better.

Nothing is going to change unless you get involved and demand your hard earned cash is better spent.

* An open letter was written to the Government by a bunch of academics about the problems with the NHS I.T. project, but was woefully misguided asking to see, among others, documents showing the “detailed design” and “technical architecture” for what must be the most idealistically naive and over-ambitious software project ever undertaken.

**According to IT Jobs Watch the average salary for a developer in the UK is £37,000 which means that, on average, they will contribute around £6,000 per year in tax. We’ll also say for the sake of argument that our average Joe works 40 years in his/her lifetime so in total he/she will pay £240,000 in tax. It would take 100,000 developer lifetimes to accrue the estimated £26 billion that has been wasted so far on failed Government I.T. projects.

Sign my petition to the PM to demand the UK Govt. reviews it’s failed IT processes

The Independent newspaper recently reported that the UK government has wasted £26 billion of it’s tax payers money on IT projects which have, “run millions of pounds over budget or have been cancelled altogether”.

£26 billion!

Of the projects mentioned in the article I’ve particularly been following the massive NHS balls up for some time and it’s quite clear that most of the reasons it has failed so badly can be attributed to following Waterfall type project management processes, dooming these behemoth’s to failure from the outset. The only value these projects are delivering is lining the pockets of companies like BT and Fujitsu who’ve landed most of the contracts for this work. There’s no doubt that most of the other cash sink holes mentioned suffer from the same problems* (it was the UK government that created PRINCE2 project management after all).

I find this totally unacceptable, especially when we now know that there are now well-established alternative approaches to the way these projects are managed which would have likely saved the tax payer an absolute fortune.

Keith Braithwaite has also blogged his views about the Government IT failures here.

I’ve created a petition on the Number10 website asking the Prime Minister to  demand a review of the out-of-date manner in which government IT projects are undertaken. I urge you to sign it and Tweet, blog, Facebook this to everyone you know**:

Thank you.

Update: If you don’t think it’s worth signing as it will have no impact have a look at this article on the BBC about the UK Goverment’s support for IE6

*Ironically the National Audit Office are currently producing a (delayed) report on the NHS IT project. They still advocate the Waterfall Approach according to this document found here. XtC members are in the process of writing to them about this. That letter can be found here.

**UK residents only. I ‘ve been involved in these petitions in the past and if they get enough support they do get responded to.

Less interface intensive dependency injection (C#)

In a study session at work last week we were having a discussion about how with dependency injection you can end up with loads of anaemic interfaces. Arguably these interfaces provide little value. However in C# at least there’s an alternative (thanks Josh and I think also Joe Campbell for this idea) – instead of taking an interface for a dependency in the client’s constructor, use a delegate instead.

So, instead of this “poor man’s” dependency injection example from my last post:

public interface IUserPaymentRepository
     void MakeTransaction(Price amount);

public class TrackPaymentActivity
     private UserPaymentRepository _userPaymentRepository;

     public TrackPaymentActivity():this(new UserPaymentRepository())

     public TrackPaymentActivity(IUserPaymentRepository userPaymentRepository)
          this._userPaymentRepository = userPaymentRepository;

     public AttemptToPayForTrack()

you can do this:

public class TrackPaymentActivity
     private Action _makeTransaction;

     public TrackPaymentActivity(Action makeTransaction)
          this._makeTransaction = _makeTransaction;

     public AttemptToPayForTrack()

So how do you test this? Mocking frameworks don’t (and probably couldn’t) support delegates so you’ll need to create an interface which has a method with the signature of the delegate, but only for testing purposes:

internal interface ITestPaymentTransaction
     void MakeTransaction(Price amount)

public void Should_Take_Correct_Payment_Amount_For_Track_From_User()
     IUserPaymentRepository mockedTransaction =

     new TrackPaymentActivity(mockedTransaction.MakeTransaction)

     mockedTransaction.AssertWasCalled(transaction => transaction.MakeTransaction(expectedAmount));

In most situations I think this is preferable. You’re still having to create an interface, but it’s not creating noise in your production code. It also means you can’t use an IoC container, but as I said in my last post, in many situations you probably don’t need to anyway.

Not so poor man’s dependency injection

Uncle Bob’s written a post explaining why he tries to be very sparing with the use of IoC containers. I couldn’t agree more. Overuse of IoC containers can end up with a huge amount of indirection and noise in compared to the value they may provide*.

In my mind, the main benefit of dependency injection is testing and is crucial to being able to do TDD. If you do TDD you want to test one thing at a time (one logical assertion per test). If you find you need another piece of logic which is not the responsibility of the object you’re testing you don’t carry on writing reams of code until your test passes, you create a stub for the piece of functionality, make your test pass and only then consider implementing the stubbed out code.

I’ve always been a fan of poor man’s dependency injection. I can’t find any good examples on t’web so I’ll give an example (in C#). Poor man’s basically means having a default parameterless constructor and an overloaded one which takes the dependencies. The default constructor calls the overloaded one with concrete instances of any dependencies:

public interface IUserPaymentRepository
     void MakeTransaction(Price amount);

public class TrackPaymentActivity
     private UserPaymentRepository _userPaymentRepository;

     public TrackPaymentActivity():this(new UserPaymentRepository())

     public TrackPaymentActivity(IUserPaymentRepository userPaymentRepository)
          this._userPaymentRepository = userPaymentRepository;

     public AttemptToPayForTrack()

This allows you to call the parameterless constructor in your production code, but the overloaded one from your tests. I guess this is where it gets it’s bad name as test hooks are pretty scorned upon and there’s no denying that’s what’s going on here.

Here’s the thing – in many of the situations where you need to inject a dependency it’s for one piece of behaviour and there’s no decision going on to determine which object you need for that behaviour – you know there’s only one place in your code base that has that functionality. In other words, the dependency is still there! It’s just that by using an IoC container you’ve made it magically look like it’s decoupled. With poor man’s it’s easy to see these dependencies but if you’ve palmed it all of to an IoC  you’re gonna end up having no idea what’s using what until you fire up the good ol’ debugger. What’s worse is your code metrics won’t pick it up giving you the impression your code is in a better condition than it actually is.

Of course there is a time and a place for IoC containers. It’s just that it’s probably a lot less than you thought. If there’s a decision to be made at runtime about which type that impliments IUserPaymentRepository should be used or there’s more than one member on the interface (suggesting that it is stateful) then an IoC container would be desirable, otherwise I’m often quite happy being poor.



*I actually don’t have a huge amount of experience with IoC containers, but that’s because like Uncle Bob, I’ve always tried to avoid them until absolutely necessary, however I do have first hand reports (within orgs I’ve worked for) of where IoC abuse has caused very expensive problems.

Understanding chaos and what it means to software development

Tim Ross pointed me in the direction of a truly mind blowing documentary on the BBC iPlayer about the nature of chaos, it’s fundamental role in the universe and how it explains the behaviour of complex systems such as the way birds fly in flocks and how we evolve. If you’re in the UK I’d highly recommend watching it before it gets taken down next Sunday (24th Jan 2010). It’s called The Secret Life of Chaos.

What, you may ask, has it got to do with software development? Everything actually. If you recognise that you’re working within a complex system, then you must accept the results will be totally unpredictable (that’s the chaos element), because the laws of nature say it will be so. Instead of trying to force it to be predicable (e.g long term planning, estimation based planning etc.) you allow it to behave like a complex system, which is very simple:
  • self-organisation e.g. A flock of birds organise themselves into the most appropriate formation, no one tells them how to do it – there’s no “head bird” orchestrating things.
  • simple rules e.g. Animals are impelled to mate with each other, which results in evolution.
  • feedback e.g. Mating results in offspring which, if they are successful within their system also mate and produce offspring, resulting in animals more suited to their system.

There are a lot of people within software development starting to talk about how we can harness complexity science to create better organisations and software. Here are some examples:


Something in Agile needs fixing

At the recent XPDay 2009 conference in London I organised an open space session under the title “Agile isn’t solving our customers problems because they’re not here”. It was driven by my feeling that whilst when Agile is being done well it is improving the reputation of software development, the impact it’s having is relatively minor. My biggest takeaway from the session is that nothing in our Agile toolkit really addresses the needs of our customers*.

In the short time I’ve been involved with the community I’ve seen almost no discussion or articles which involve any contribution from people outside of the IT department and none of the methodologies/name clouds I can think of appear to have been developed or evolved with any collaboration from the people driving the work.

I don’t mean to disparage all the hard work and enthusiasm people (I include myself) have put in to trying to make things better, I just think the fact that we’ve left out the most important people from our discussions has caused us a lot unecessary of pain.  Agile adoption is never a smooth affair, especially the process of “convincing” people outside of the development department. If we involved our customers more in the process of forming our principles, tools and methodologies we would surely get where we all want to be a lot more quickly. Remember, people don’t resist change, they resist being changed.

Here are some examples of what I mean:

  • Speaking to my CEO in the pub the other day he said he often finds it “patronising” when we try and impress on him the importance of the the things we’re trying to do.
  • When I first started with Scrum I countlessly came up against resistance and cynicism when trying to encourage customers to participate in traditional Scrum meetings such as retrospectives, planning and stand ups. Nothing Scrum teaches prepares you for this (I’ve done both CSM and Estimating and Planning courses and read a lot otherwise).
  • The terminology we use (e.g. Scrum, Sprints, Stories, Kanban, eXtreme Programming) is totally immature in some people’s eyes.  One useful takeaway from the session was to stop using inappropriate terminology in front of customers.

I have an enormous amount of respect for our CEO and others within our organisation for putting the trust they do in us even though they (understandably) find so much of what we do beguiling and irritating. In my experience you would be very lucky to be able to work with someone who is prepared to take that kind of risk – in most places I’ve worked you just don’t stand a chance.

For me, the flaw lies deep within Agile. It was never designed to address the needs of customers. XP and Scrum were designed for fixing dysfunctional environments. The terminology was designed to appeal to developers. When most of the Agile principles and methodologies were developed the need was different and they don’t appear to have evolved. New methodologies suffer the same – why does there have to be an introductory guide to Kanban for Managers? If we’re having to try and sell this stuff to people I think we’ve already lost most of the battle.

In the last 15 years or so most of the “microeconomic” problems with software development have been solved. The majority of people writing software may still not be doing it well, but the answers are there if you care to look. The big problems are still out there though and as a community we need to start addressing them and I think the only way we can do this is by getting our customers more involved in the debate.

This post is really a rallying call to all those that feel the same as I do. I’m keen to start doing something about this, but where do we start?

*I use the term customer here to mean anyone who is a customer of a development team.

New team, new principles

The team I’m working with at the moment is at a formative stage and has come up with a set of principles to collectvely aspire to:

Ship Something
Our overriding goal is to add value to the business as quickly and effectively as possible

Our definition of done is when it is live and has been thoroughly tested

No hidden work
All work items should be tracked on the board

Unit Tests
All new or changed code should be thoroughly unit tested

Boy Scout rule
Leave everything in a better condition than you find it

Take risks
We are prepared to take risks with new technology and ideas

Be a tester
It’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure all work is thoroughly tested before being released